Published February 13, 2017

I'm a big fan of Haskell and one of my favorite feature of this awesome language is pattern matching. If you don't know what's pattern matching, it's this:

module Example where

data Customer = Student | Individual

getPrice :: Customer -> Int
getPrice Student    = 10
getPrice Individual = 30

The main advantage is, if I add a possibility in my type, for example data Customer = Student | Individual | Company, the Haskell compiler will tell me that my function is missing a pattern. I will need to provide a getPrice Company = ?.

Of course, in PHP we don't have a compiler but we can still have some checks…

The problem

Imagine I have a class for my customer:


class Customer {
    const STUDENT = 'student';
    const INDIVIDUAL = 'individual';

    public $type;

    public function getPrice()
        if ($this->type === self::STUDENT) {
            return 10;
        } elseif ($this->type === self::INDIVIDUAL) {
            return 30;
        } else {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Neither student nor individual.');

By the way, pay attention of how 4 lines of code became 18 lines. But, of course, Haskell is a incomprehensible language ;-)

If I have my unit tests like these:

$customer = new Customer; // in real life, I would use a name constructor…
$customer->type = Customer::STUDENT;

$this->assertEquals(10, $customer->getPrice());
$customer = new Customer;
$customer->type = Customer::INDIVIDUAL;

$this->assertEquals(30, $customer->getPrice());

If latter, I add a new type const COMPANY = 'company' in my class, my tests will remain green. If I use this if() {} elseif () {} else {} in a lot of places, it will be difficult to catch all occurrences.

The solution

Use my small pattern matching library (or build your own, it's only a mater of hours…):


class Customer {
    const STUDENT = 'student';
    const INDIVIDUAL = 'individual';

    public $type;

    public function patternMatchOnType(array $actions)
        return (new Pattern([self::STUDENT, self::INDIVIDUAL]))
            ->match($this->type, $actions);

    public function getPrice()
            self::STUDENT => 10,
            self::INDIVIDUAL => 30,

If I add a new type and I change my enumerate definition in one place new Pattern([self::STUDENT, self::INDIVIDUAL, self::COMPANY]), my previous tests are now failing with a new exception:

MissingPatternsDuringMatch: 'company' was missing during the match.
Expected patterns were 'student', 'individual', 'company' and received patterns were 'student', 'individual'.

Even if, I never wrote a test to check if the price for a company is correct.

Extra features of my library

You can check the test file for all features.


My match() function is three simple checks happening every time. It means, it raises an exception even if the pattern could be resolved.


If your application is doing expensive work for each pattern (more expensive than returning "10" or "30"), you can wrap the result in a callback:

    self::STUDENT => function() {
        return StudentPrice::fetchFromFile();
    self::INDIVIDUAL => function() {
        return Price::where('type', self::INDIVIDUAL)->first()->value;

Callbacks arguments

And you can also give arguments to your callbacks with with:

public function patternMatchOnType(array $actions)
    return (new Pattern([self::STUDENT, self::INDIVIDUAL]))
        ->with($this) // The callbacks will receive the instance of the customer
        ->match($this->type, $actions);

public function getPrice()
        self::STUDENT => 10,
        self::INDIVIDUAL => function(Customer $customer) {
            return IndividualPrice::where('age', '>', $customer->age)->first()->value;

Even if, in this case, you could simply use $this->age inside the callback.