Published December 7, 2016

The Laravel community is a huge fan of Stripe. As Laravel, Stripe provides a great API to interact with the product. In this article, I'll create a proof of concept using Laravel's Eloquent relations to fetch a foreign data source as Stripe. The same idea could be applied to other foreign data providers.

Laravel's relation mecanism

As you may know, you can define relations with Laravel. In your model, hasMany, belongsTo or belongsToMany are already-provided helpers to create links between your models.


class User {  
    public function comments()
        return $this->hasMany(Comment::class);

But behind the scene, these methods returns children of the Relation object. These children could be HasMany, BelongsTo, BelongsToMany, etc. The Relation object is an abstract class you need to extend to build a new type of relations. This class is tightly tied with the Eloquent Builder class, which is a big problem. Laravel assumes Eloquent models in both sides of our relation. But in our case, it's one Eloquent model and one Stripe\Customer object.

Building the StripeRelation

StripeRelation is my child for the Relation object. It will fetch and hydrate my models with the customers from Stripe.


In order to build a Relation object, Laravel needs a builder from the foreign class and the instance of the main model. In our example, the foreign class is Stripe\Customer and the main model is App\User.

First problem: I don't have an Eloquent builder for Stripe customers. I'll need to create my own.

public function __construct(Model $model)
    parent::__construct(app(StripeQueryBuilder::class), $model);

addConstraints and addEagerConstraints

The main goal of these methods is to set a where clause on the query builder with "id = stripe_id" or "id in [stripe_id_1, stripe_id_2, stripe_id_3]". Since my query builder is a special one, and I know it will be a custom StripeQueryBuilder, I can set two public properties id for when I need to fetch one Stripe customer, ids when I need to fetch all Stripe customers for a collection of users. We will see in the next part how we use these information to fetch the customers from Stripe.

public function addConstraints()
    $this->query->id = $this->parent->{$this->localKey};

public function addEagerConstraints(array $models)
    $this->query->ids = $this->getKeys($models, $this->localKey);

In these methods $this->localKey is the name of the attribute of the user model which contains the Stripe ID (default to stripe_id).


This method sets the default foreign model for all the users. I don't have a default Stripe model so I just return the unchanged array of models.


The name of this method is misleading, its goal is just to fetch one foreign model (one Stripe customer) for one parent model (one user) when you simply type $user->stripe. I can delegate the API call to my StripeQueryBuilder class. The stripe_id of the user has already been set in the StripeQueryBuilder by the parent Relation class with addConstraints.

public function getResults()
    return $this->query->first();


This method is called when you try to load the relation on a collection to avoid the N + 1 problem. It takes three arguments:

The logic is simple, loop over the models and set the relation to whatever is in the $results collection:

public function match(array $models, Collection $results, $relation)
    foreach ($models as $model) {
        $model->setRelation($relation, $results[$model->{$this->localKey}]);

    return $models;

Building the StripeQueryBuilder

Now we need to build our StripeQueryBuilder which will call the Stripe API to fetch the requested customers. My class needs to extend the Eloquent Builder and override some methods. Most of the methods will not be changed so it will be impossible to call more intelligent methods like $user->stripe()->update(['delinquent' => true]).


The parent model needs a Query. I will simply mock it.

public function __construct()


The first method fetch one customer based on the ID previously set in the $id attribute of the Query Builder.

public function first($columns = ['*'])
    if ($this->id) {
        return Customer::retrieve($this->id);

    throw new \Exception("'first' method called with no ID provided.");


It's impossible to ask Stripe for all customers with IDs in an array (a simple WHERE IN with SQL). I need to fetch all customers and then filter them with PHP. The maximum number of customers for each request is 100. So I need to ask for 100 customers until Stripe tells me that there is no more or all my IDs have been found.

public function get($columns = ['*'])
    $models = new Collection;

    if ($this->ids) {
        $totalCount = count($this->ids);

        foreach ($this->fetchAllStripeCustomers() as $customer) {
            if (in_array($customer->id, $this->ids)) {
                $models[$customer->id] = $customer;

            if ($totalCount === $models->count()) {
                // All models were found, no need to continue to fetch the customers.

    return $models;


This project is a very basic implementation. It's probably possible to do more. But it shows how you can keep a simple API for your models even with foreign relations. The working final project is available on

I may put this work in a package if some people are interested.

Eventually, for french artisan, I offer Laravel trainings, just visit and send me a message!